“Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
– Matthew 19:14
Children of all ages are an essential part of our Mooring Church Community and are welcome to stay in worship with their families or to participate in their age–appropriate programing. Colorful activity bags are available in the back of the sanctuary for young children to use during worship. Some of our additional offerings are below, and we invite you to check us out in person on Sundays at 10:00am.
The nursery is open 15 minutes before worship (9:45am). Children up to 4 years of age spend time learning and experiencing God’s love through play, music, Bible story, crafts, prayer and snack time. The Nursery is located in the Education Building room 104.
Children ages PreK through fifth grade begin in worship with their parents at 10:00 a.m., and following the Word for Children, they go with their teachers and friends to Sunday School. Parents pick up their kids following worship in the Children’s Center. During the school year the children are divided into age-appropriate classes, while the classes are often combined during the summer months.
The children are invited forward to sit on the chancel steps and receive a special message from our children’s ministry leaders during the 10:00am worship service, and are invited to depart for Sunday school after the children’s moment.
During the school year youth begin in worship with their families and leave for Sunday school following the Word for Children. Classes meet in the youth room in upper Baker Center. On the first Sunday of every month, middle and high school youth stay with their families to participate in worship and the sacrament of communion.