Fellowship is abundant at MPC, found in a congregation known for its friendliness! MPC members and friends gather frequently for Small Groups, Wednesday Night Dinners and Special Events.
The first Wednesday of every month from November through June, singles, couples and families enjoy an inexpensive catered dinner in Moss Hall at 5:30 PM. These casual dinners give everyone an opportunity to meet friends and share their daily happenings.
Fellowship is also found in Small Groups: Bible Studies with the Men’s Morning Breakfast held every other Tuesday at 7 AM and the Women’s Bible Study on Thursdays in the Parlor. All discuss, learn and bond at these studies.
The Ladies’ Luncheons, held monthly on various days and various venues, bring women and their guests together for good food and conversation.
New this year, will be Happy Hours/Dinners for 6 or 8 or more for couples and singles to enjoy time together in different setings around town, at MPC or in member homes. Also forming is the Faith, Film and Fellowship Small Group where all will view a Christian-based movie, discuss its content and share a meal, at a restaurant, MPC or private home. We are also bringing back Game Gatherings (bridge, canasta, mahjong, bingo) for fun and fellowship.
MPC families and friends also like to socialize at parties held throughout the year. Past Events included the Flip Flop Family Fun Luau, the ‘Round the Table Sing, the Hootenanny, the ‘Til We Meet Again Party and the Picnic Party.
Please contact us at info@mooringschurch.org for more information!