Women’s work at Moorings began in 1969, five years after the church was established. Seven women met with Pastor David Moss and formed the first Circle. Their goals were to provide Bible Study and Fellowship for the women of the church. Eventually, by-laws were written, and officers were elected. Each officer served a two-year term, with a Moderator serving as leader. As the PW organization grew, it expanded its programs to serve people in need as well as support the needs of the church. To date, there have been thirty Moderators, and at the present time, there are four Circles. There have been seven in recent history.
In 1970, the Presbyterian Women funded the cost of a small kitchen for MPC and, as the church grew, the cost of a new commercial dishwasher. In 2002, they helped furnish the new Moss Hall kitchen. In the past ten years, ‘12-‘13 through ‘21-‘22, PW from this church have donated over $132,417 to causes precious to our hearts.