Moorings Church | Naples, FL

What to Expect

Celebrating or hurting, old or young, rich or poor, the way in which we welcome all of God’s people is stated in a painting that you’ll find as you enter our building by Timothy R. Botts that says:  

We Welcome You as We Would
Welcome Christ Himself

We’re an intergenerational congregation composed of both full-time and part-time Naples residents, and those from all over Florida.  Many are initially attracted to The Moorings by our well-conceived traditional Presbyterian liturgy, inspiring music and preaching, and programming for children and youth, but quickly find a warm welcome as if they’ve been lifelong family members.

We invite you to check us out on Sunday mornings at 10am, or browse our website and social media to learn more. 

May God bless you as you seek to love him and serve him.  

Our campus can be found at 791 Harbour Drive in the Moorings neighborhood of Naples, Florida, less than a mile from the Gulf of MexicoWe’re conveniently located just off of US-41 (Tamiami Trail), and have plenty of parking for allEach of the entrances to the building is clearly marked so you’ll know exactly where to go, and friendly greeters can further direct you to the sanctuary, nursery, restrooms, or wherever else your destination may be.   

Find us on Google Maps here

Our campus can be found at 791 Harbour Drive in the Moorings neighborhood of Naples, Florida, less than a mile from the Gulf of MexicoWe’re conveniently located just off of US-41 (Tamiami Trail), and have plenty of parking for allEach of the entrances to the building is clearly marked so you’ll know exactly where to go, and friendly greeters can further direct you to the sanctuary, nursery, restrooms, or wherever else your destination may be.   

We strive for each of our services to be celebratory yet reflective, traditional but not stuffy, and filled with the wonder of God’s immense love for us. Our services are rooted in the Reformed tradition and our Presbyterian heritage, and consist of times of joyful praise, contemplative prayer, a message for children, engaging and relevant sermons, as well as a time where we confess our sins and receive assurance of pardonOur semi-professional choir and world-class Sterritte Family Organ, lead by Dr. Dekker, brings joy and exuberance to our praise, and the preaching of Dr. Diaz helps deepen our understanding of God’s Word and of our calling to follow Christ. Please join us and see for yourself.  

YesThere’s a special place in our hearts for God’s little ones, and in addition to a children’s message lead by Ms. Alicia, we have nursery for small children, educational opportunities for older kids, a Children’s Choir that participates in worship approximately once per month, and much morePlease learn more about this important ministry here.

While most of our members dress somewhat formally, there is certainly no dress code for attending a service at MooringsWe’re convinced that God doesn’t care whether you’re wearing a suit and tie or jeans and a T-shirt, and we’ll welcome you warmly regardless.  

Each and every service throughout the year is lead by our semi-professional Chancel Choir, the 75-rank Nichols & Simpson organ and new 9-foot Fazioli grand piano, and our handbell choirs add meaning to our worship approximately twice per month from October through May.  The children’s choir is composed of approximately 20 children who lift their voices in praise once per month, and soloists and instrumentalists also regularly participateThe resonant Moorings sanctuary is further complimented by the uplifting aesthetics of the organ’s casework, beautiful stained glass windows and more, and we pray that all who enter the doors gain a small glimpse of God’s wonder and beauty through every sight and soundIf you’d prefer to hear our music via concert rather than worship, please attend a performance of the Hyacinth Concert Series. Please contact Director of Music Dr. Chris Dekker to learn more or to inquire about participation.

AbsolutelyFrom serving as a greeter or usher to singing in a choir or to serving on a missions prayer team, we’d love for you to get involved. Some of our ministries include: Fellowship, The Hyacinth Concert Series, Men’s Bible Study, Mission Outreach, Prayer Chain, Presbyterian Women, Stewardship, Worship & Music, Youth and Family, and more.  Contact us at to learn more! 

Yes. From numerous handicap parking spots, accessible entrances and bathrooms, hearing assist devices, elevators, and greeters eager to assist, individuals with varying abilities will find a warm welcome.  

Anthem: "Total Praise" | Richard Smallwood, arr. Joel Raney